New Beginnings Therapeutic Services

Dayton Drug and Alcohol treatment/counseling

Rodney L. Hunter MRC, LSW, LICDC

(937) 270-9190

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Marriage Counseling

If you are experiencing challenges in your marriage, New Beginnings Therapeutic Services counseling services in the Dayton area can provide the guidance needed to identify and resolve core and underlying issues that threaten the harmony in your relationship. A good marriage requires mutual commitment and shared goals. A licensed professional can assist you in rebuilding your relationship and make it as strong and loving as it once was.

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Premarital Counseling

Couples who have participated in premarital counseling have reported an increased harmony and satisfaction in their relationship and an improved ability to resolve problems. Although every marriage faces challenges at some point, couples who have acquired the skills that enable them to surmount marital difficulties report a more fulfilling and satisfying married life.

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Family Therapy

Family therapy is designed to help identify, resolve and ultimately shift relationship patterns and create new healthy dynamics that benefit each member. The wellbeing of any individual is greatly affected by their home environment. New Beginnings Therapeutic Services family counseling services in the Dayton region provides professional guidance where families learn to communicate and resolve conflict respectfully and build upon the existing strengths of each member and resolve challenges.

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Couples Counseling

Many couples attempt to handle conflict and the delicate aspects of their relationship on their own. This often leads increased negativity when one or both partners feel criticized, defensive or unheard. The result is an increased breakdown in communication where many couples become further alienated from one another.

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